Porn is Better Than REAL Sex

Inflammatory? Yes. Clickbait? Maybe. Is it true? Yes. Porn is better than real sex.

I just want to say, and let me be clear – I am not making an argument for porn use. In fact, I am making the opposite argument; that you are messing up your sex life by looking at porn.

Warning – some caution should be taken as you read this post. Dwelling on the details and calling to mind images regarding what I am saying may trigger desires to act out – if your trying to stop looking at porn – you don’t need to read this!! This article is intended as a reason to want to stop.

Physical limitations of sex

First of all there are just physical limitations to what is possible in real-life sex. What you are capable of seeing and the angles of which you can see them is much more limited than what can be experienced when compared to the point of view of a camera.

The camera is an observer to the act and can observe much more and many more angles that is just NOT possible to accomplish with your spouse.

So here is what is going to happen.

Because porn allows for the added points of view, your body dumps more dopamine; telling your brain – porn is much better.

Then when you are physically engaged with your spouse, the dopamine released is much less because you unable to provide your eye-gate with those same vantage points.

It literally trains your brain to prefer porn over a real life partner – lessening the amount of dopamine when you have sex, thus decreasing your desire for physical sex and instead telling you that porn is the preferred means to sexual fulfillment, simply because you can see so much more.

Relational limitations

The other thing that porn provides over physical sexual interactions, is the sheer number of partners – meaning every person you are viewing is like a new partner to your mind.

Our brains find this novelty intriguing and exciting.

The National Institutes of Health, released a study where they exposed men to the same porn film over and over, while monitoring their sexual response.

With each viewing their response dropped lower and lower. You can read about it here.

The interesting thing is, in this other study, when men were then exposed to a new film, after their sexual desire dropped from watching the same film, their sexual response immediately returned.

Because the amount of novel (new) partners is nearly limitless today, your spouse doesn’t stand a chance to compete with these because your brain is rewarding you with dopamine with every new person you see in those pictures.

This destroys the simple prospect of just growing old with your partner.

Putting it all together

Simply put looking at porn is a no brainer for your brain; it can see more and from more points of view, and have as many partners as it likes.

The problems is this will cost you intimacy with your spouse – either in the lack of it or the lack of fulfillment in it.

Because chemically your brain will reward you for the porn over that of physical sex, and over time this erodes your desire for it.

Don’t despair though. It seems that staying away from porn over time can return things to some level of normal.

The question is can you stop that on your own. If not, this is why Shackle Road exists.

Thank you for taking time to read this post. If you liked this article, please consider sharing on Facebook or Twitter – feel free to use #shackleroad or tag me @JayOnShackleRoad on Facebook and @ShackleRoad on Twitter.

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